Can you self Heal?

Can you self heal? 

One of my friend recently asked me if it is possible to self heal. 

My answer (based on my experience) is as follows: 

Yes, I feel it’s possible to self heal. I believe that we are all meant to flourish and survive. And whatever bad is happening is supposed to make you a better person. Its a part of the experience.

Lets say you are going through a bad phase. The first step, try to write this sentence ten times in the morning. 

1. I am healed to a better future. 

If you feel this is not resonating, then you can say

1. I am open and ready to receive healing. 

Write down your problems,

1. Family

2. Past

3. Career

4. Love 

5. Relations

6. Incidents

Now try to sort them in following columns

1. Things that are under your direct control. 

2. Things that are not under your direct control. 

Now the things that are not under your direct control. You do not have to spend energy on solving them. 

Sometimes things that are not under your direct control drain all your energy. And you do not have energy left for things that are under your control. And when nothing is happening, it can pull you further down. 

So first we start with things that are under your control. Try to do smallest jobs first. This will give you a sense of accomplishment. Try to develop small habits, like folding your bedsheets in the morning. (This is a small task which is easily achievable).